Правила использования инфинитива с частицей to в английском языке

Инфинитив – неопределенная форма глагола – с частицей to будет использоваться в следующих случаях:

Для объяснения цели / причины действия (infinitive of purpose)


  • I went to London to study English.
  • She went to the bakery to buy some bread.

Иногда перед инфинитивом может стоять in order или so as:

  • He did it in order to help her.

Инфинитив также используется после союзов how, what, who, where, when, whether, особенно при использовании таких глаголов, как know, decide, ask, learn, remember и т.д.

К примеру:    

  • I didn’t know what to say.
  • He doesn’t know where to go.
  • She hasn’t decided yet what to buy.
  • Tell me how to get there, please.

Неопределённую форму глагола с частицей to также будем использовать после прилагательных, как в этих примерах:

  • I am so happy to see you!
  • He was surprised to hear that.
  • She is afraid to go there.
  • It’s too late to go there.
  • It was too cold to go jogging.
  • It’s easy to learn English.

Инфинитив можно использовать после порядковых числительных, например: first, second или после слов next, last:

  • He is always the first to come to the parties.
  • I was the last to leave.

Инфинитив может использоваться также после неопределённых местоимений something, nothing, somewhere, anyone, nobody и т.д. для пояснений и конкретизации


  • Let me grab something to eat.
  • It’s boring. There’s absolutely nothing to do!
  • There’s no one to be seen.

Инфинитив также используется после следующих глаголов:

adviseThey advised me not to pay cash.
affordMax can’t afford to buy this car.
agreeShe agreed to give a presentation at the meeting on Friday.
allowThe boss allowed me to leave work early today.
appearHe appears to get better.
arrangeJuly arranged to stay with her aunt in Florida.
askI asked him to help.
be ableI’m sure John will be able to get the tickets for us.
begHe begged her to stay but she refused.
chooseMax has chosen to leave for Oxford.
claimShe claimed to be a Russian princess.
decideWe decided to go out for dinner.
demandHe demanded to speak to the manager.
deserveHe deserves to have a better life.
enableThe scholarship enabled Max to study abroad.
encourageMy parents always encouraged me to ask questions.
expectHe expected to fail the exam. Everybody expected Max to give a presentation.
forceYou can’t force me to make a decision.
forgetDon’t forget to turn off the lights and lock the door. I forgot to turn my mobile off.
helpHe helped to clean the living room. He helped me to clean the living room.
hopeMary hopes to pass the exam.
intendWe intended to visit London.
inviteThe Browns invited us to go away for the weekend.
learnI want to learn to drive.
manageHe managed to get 2 tickets for the concert.
meanI meant to call you, I’m sorry I didn’t.
needI need to go to the pharmacy.
offerMax offered to give Mary a lift to the airport.
persuadeHe persuaded me to come to the party.
planShe plans to go on holiday to Greece next year.
prepareThe students prepared to take the test. The teacher prepared the students to take the test.
pretendHe pretended not to see me.
promiseHe promised to pay me back, but he hasn’t done it yet.
recommendHe recommended me to take some cash.
refuseThe guard refused to let them enter the building.
rememberRemember to buy a present for Aunt Mary.
remindRemind me to post this letter, will you?
seemHe seemed to be disappointed with the test results.
startThe baby started to cry.
teachMrs. Rose taught me to play the piano.
tellHe told the kids to be quiet.
tendShe tends to be quite shy.
tryBen’s trying to repair the car himself.
waitI’ll wait to see what will happen next.
wantI want to attend the concert. I want him to attend the concert, too.
warnThey warned us not to eat local food which might upset our stomachs.
would likeI’d like to have a bigger house.

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